Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Understanding by design.... a good example of the scholarship of teaching and learning: does it work in the Arab Higher Ed context....? to what extent???

I don't know, but I think we are way way way far to believe , accept and implement that approach in our region. The purposeful intention ( or may be not) to strip faculty of their identity as professionals, dynamic reflective practitioners  and action research leaders ...are the main elements impeding faculty( henceforth, higher ed educators) in the region we work in to be innovative and engage in  transformative educational exchanges. We still practice and have upon us the policing, inspecting, and negative monitoring practices that demolish and diminish our potential to make sense of what we can do and launch our potential  in research and  teaching and ...also, some community engagement ...etc.

In my opinion a better monitoring of the situation can be done by attracting competent faculty with processional and grounded educational experience in the scholarship of teaching and learning in a higher education context, to get rid of the traditionally inherited curriculum practices from early 60' and which were predominantly used at school level to control the huge mass of kids and excessively monitoring the teachers. Changing the vision and approach is key. Faculties have PhDs and not BA's, and some do have educational training ( pedagogical training ) or extended experience in academia topped with professional development workshop in teaching adults or Higher Ed students. Institutions need to limit that irrelevant interventions camouflaged under the umbrella of Quality Assurance. Quality assurance is not admin only.

 Quality assurance needs to take care of the source of the problem: pedagogy/faculty profile and commitment and also those who believe in the innovative ways to addressing complex problems in higher education/industrial models ca contain production and industrial operations where machines and technology can be used and controlled.... not the case with humans .......paper work and all policy and admin stuff is time consuming and needs to be addressed otherwise, not burdening faculty with it . 

Provide educators chances to get ongoing , relevant and customized training & education in the new practices in higher education, not those inherited from industrial models of education from primary or secondary education context. Pedagogical practices are not transferred from your previous teacher, or are ad hoc, there is a whole scholarship behind teaching & learning in a higher education context. Read the literature. If we engage in that, the excessive and tiresome negative monitoring/moderating will not hold. So, recruitment of key profiles is step ONE. These profiles may be costly. Here we need to make a choice: save our image as a university and reach higher stages and ranks or remain the way we are by using and continuously implementing the wrong practices that will not lead to positive outcomes neither at local or global levels.

The video is just an example of the kind of endeavors and philosophies that need to be adopted to intervene differently in higher education.

Translanguaging Pedagogy (Translation + Foreign Language education combined) : The way ahead in MENA English Instruction

Enough is enough! In the MENA region, a significant portion of the student population continues to face challenges in acquiring proficiency ...