Friday, 5 April 2013

Sultan Qaboos Unievrsity's 10th forum on Translation : 6th and 7th April, 2013.

Accepted communication

 (Forum organized by the English and Translation Society at Sultan Qaboos University)

Innovating in translator training: A pilot course proposal on developing professional and entrepreneurial abilities for future translators

Globalization and technology had changed the translation market upside down. We notice the emergence of many working patterns due to this change; such as the phenomenon of tele- work or online freelancing and self-employment. This practice requires a combination of both academic and business competencies. Nevertheless, as far as I know, the entrepreneurial aspect of our practice is not something that is taught within university level translation units or departments in the Arab world. Only few translation programs in the west and Europe managed to embed such type of courses as workshops or ‘elective’ course (and not as a core course), despite the fact that it is the type of competencies that employers insist on in the market place.
Our recent review of many translation programs in the Arab world does not contain courses or modules that address these types of new practices. The focus is always on developping linguistic skills and other types of cognitive abilities. In this intervention, I will introduce an innovative way of how to embed such a course in a translation program and the pedagogical approach to adopt to facilitate such a course on training students to engage in online freelancing and empower them to gain these types of meta-cognitive competencies that will accompany them for a lifetime, such as the case of setting up their own business as a team of students (an agency or company) or as an individually owned business.

NB: Due to logistical reasons, I put on hold the preparation of this communication and prepare it (perhaps ) in another context/ other type of audience.


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