between Research, Training and Practice in Educational Sciences:
Case of
Translator education
العلاقة بين البحث و التعليم وممارسة المهنة من منظور علوم التربية:
حالة التعليم و التعلم ببرامج الترجمة
The below is
part of my ongoing Doctoral productions. This was part of a work submitted in
December 2011 (Université de Sherbrooke- Canada)and which I am preparing to submit for publication.
The below abstrcat will give you an diea about the content of the article, which is aimed to inform the community
of a growing issue in the teaching practice.
The below abstrcat will give you an diea about the content of the article, which is aimed to inform the community
of a growing issue in the teaching practice.
In this
paper, I would like to share with you some of my reflections regarding the type
of knowledge framework that is promoted in the field of education and for
education rather than about education, and how this knowledge can inform the
field translator education. Three basic poles will be discussed : Research,
Training (or Teaching) and Practice. Of great importance is the relationship
between these three themes.
Issues like the
‘theory’ and ‘practice’ dichotomy seem to be a tale of the past. Instead, the
real and major hot debate consists in defining and analysing the type of
relation binding the poles of research, training and Practice. First, I will
elaborate on the mechanisms that govern the three concepts as per my
understanding of the reviewed literature. Then, I will try to link that into my
domain of translation pedagogy standing as the applied chunk of translation
(ect....ect...more pages to follow)
In this part of the assignment, I
will elaborate on how the above mentioned triad works or may work in the field
of translator training. In this regard, and to simplify the path, I will adhere
to St Arnauld’s (1993) categorisation of the three concepts, whereby practice
would refer to the ‘front line’ practitioner who then became teacher within a
university context, then a researcher (Ibid, p. 412).
(........ect....ect..........More pages to follow).
A conclusion drawn from part 1 and part2 .
It seems there is a need to review the
existing weaknesses in professionally - oriented pedagogies practiced within
university contexts. Our experience as well as a close follows up on surveys
and research on the practice and teaching-learning of translation in Europe,
Canada, Africa and Middle East compel us to investigate the issue and seek to
find innovative methods and tools to tackle the problem. Our aim is to design a
competence- based approach taking into consideration the emerging and current
needs of the future language professional to fill the gap in the teaching and
training of the language professional.
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Instruction to Collaborative Construction: A passing fad or the promise of a
paradigm shift in translator education?. In B.J. Baer and G.S. Koby (eds.) Beyond
the Ivory Tower. Rethinking translation pedagogy. American Translators
Association Scholarly Monograph Series, Vol. XII. Amsterdam and Philadelphia:
John Benjamins. 3-27.
Prégent,R. Bernanrd, H. et
Kozantis, A. (2009). Enseigner à
l'université dans une approche-programme. Montréal: Press Internationale Polytechnique.
Saint-Arnaud, Y.
(1993). Pratique et Recherche. Une
histoire des poupées russes.Dans F. Serre (dir.) Recherche, formation et
pratique en éducation des adultes(p. 405-419). Sherbrooke: Editions du CRP.
Shon, D.A. (1994). Le praticien réflexif: A la recherche du savoir caché
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Smith, Hazel and Dean, Roger
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(c)Fouad Elkarnichi . 2012
(c)Fouad Elkarnichi . 2012
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