Thursday, 29 November 2012

Innovative educational approaches to interpreter training: integrating technology and active pedagogies

Pedagogical approaches to interpreter training
(Interesting online conference ...coming up soon ) 

The Link:


My remark:

 The use of technology as well as  blended, online and distance modes of training in translator or interpreting education seem to be an emerging phenomenon. With globalisation and changing work patterns in the translationa nd interpreting industry ( immigration, changing demographics, digital natives, e-generation...ect), it seems that it makes sense to rethink existing pedagogical and educational models or approaches.

Check also that this conference is going to be delivered on Blackboard platform , saving plenty expenses (air fair, hotels..ect). I hope other confrences or discussions could be discussed regularly amongst the Translationa dn interpreting scholars, teachers, students and practitioners following this method of presentaion and event organization (Virtual video conferencing).

In the field of online education, these type of encounters enhance collaboration and exchange of experiences and practices that could yield better and efficient results for the community.
Some of the universities organize their seminars for the doctoral students via online meetings ( Live video-conference meetings).


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