Tuesday, 27 November 2012

اصدار قرار من قبل الشيخ خليفة آل نهيان لأجل تعديل مهنة الترجمة بالامارلت

New law issued regarding translation practice in the UAE...very interesting. Please check below link.

Notice that the Diploma in translation is compulsory to get certified...imagine how many new training / opportunities there will be ....universities need to respond to these type of training requests, such as creating certificates, online and disatnce courses , diplomas as well as Full BA and MA degrees.

These diplomas should also be geared to satisfy the needs of the new type of demographics ( already existing practioners, people who already work and have family commitments ). So, other training contents and educational  approaches need to be designed/developed. Courses like translation studies, ethical issues and relevant historical studies in translation may be on the menu. The practIcing adult (TRANSLATOR) is back to university to get more education and training to transform and improve his or her previous ways of doing things. In the case of the UAE there will be even practitioners who need linguistic upgrade as well as conceptual and technical development - provided that there will be a team of translator trainers, researchers or scholars who can enhance 21st  competencies and beliefs into the currricula. A thorough market awareness and use of technology as well as an acquaintance with the more recent approaches (dynamic and active pedagogies) in translator education and training for both adults professionals  returning to study and traditional students is necessary to do that.

There is a difference when you train traditional students, and when your clients (students) are adults who happen to be back to university just to improve their career prospects or comply with legal requirement to carry on their practice- like in case of the attached article.



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